Idiom Copy

Bringing professional writing to small business

Non-native speakers need special help when writing marketing materials and business literature.

Unless he has moved to a foreign country very early in life, a non-native speaker will very rarely achieve complete fluency in any language. English, due to its rich idiomatic nature, unpredictable structure, and extraordinarily irregular construction, is no exception.

If you were born in a non-English-speaking country, you may need help creating written copy that conveys your message accurately and correctly. This means using language that avoids many common pitfalls.

Double Meanings Often phrasing can be grammatically and syntactically correct, but absolutely inappropriate due to double meanings. Often, your message can be completely lost by accidentally using a phrase containing inadvertent sexual slang, racist vocabulary, or worse. Only a native speaker can help you avoid these mistakes.

Poor Flow Language that relies on translation can often sound overly academic, or stylistically hollow. Talk to us about turning your existing writing into prose that is more appealing to the native ear.

Incorrect Word Usage Grammar checking and spell checking will not help you when you are using the wrong word in the right place. Let us carefully proof-read your work and make suggestions that will help you look your best.