Idiom Copy

Bringing professional writing to small business

The clever, refreshing fellow behind Idiom Copy is one Jeremy Matters, of Los Angeles, California.

He has been writing in some fashion or other since childhood, and getting paid for it since the mid-90s, when he worked as a reporter for, and later section editor of, his college newspaper.

His formal education consists of a Bachelor's degree in English from the University of California, Riverside, and he has continued to study writing and advertising steadily.

Professionally, he has worked in most aspects of newspaper creation, including photography and web development, and has made use of these talents in related fields, such as commercial printing, layout and design.

As a commercial writer, he has created work for many design studios and small businesses, as well as a good number of artists and photographers.

His interests include psychology, cognitive bias, and advertising theory, like nearly anyone else in copywriting. But he also takes time to read about a wide variety of other topics, including robotics, computer programming, French language, eastern religions, game theory, and memetics. He has recently rediscovered his childhood love of science fiction.

He absorbs information about practically everything he can find, and never hesitates to research even the smallest question he has.

Currently, he is working on a novel that he constantly kills and resuscitates.

Find his awesome blog right here.