Advertising Copy

Bringing professional writing to small business

Is your writing helping your product, or hurting it?

Are you getting the best response from your marketing efforts?

Does your advertising grab the attention of potential clients?

What are you doing to make your advertising copy succeed?

The decision to start advertising regularly is one of the best decisions you can make. It will increase name recognition, help you find new clients, and increase loyalty among your existing clients. But, if you are trying to do it all yourself, you may not be getting the most from your advertising dollar.

Talk to us about ways to make your advertising copy sell better. Here are a few services we offer.

  • Writing Ad Copy - Have an idea what you want to say, but you just aren't sure how to say it? Let us help put your ideas into words.

  • Re-writes - Show us your existing advertising pieces, and we'll show you how to make it better. We'll even give you hints on how to consistently keep your advertising strong and compelling.

  • New Ideas - Talk to us about what you do, and we'll tell you how to sell yourself. Make sure your product or service is coming across in a way that keeps people interested.